“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. Mark 10:14 (NIV)
The children are the future of the church and our aim is to develop character, respect and integrity in the children. Our mission is to introduce children to Jesus Christ in a manner that transform their lives by encouraging them to develop a personal relationship with God through prayer.
The children department is a section of the church that takes charge of the welfare, development and security of children. The objective is to influence children’s lives positively and gives spiritual supervision to children. The department is divided into three age groups which comprises of age group 0 to 2, 3 to 5 and 5 to 10. These are divided into various classes to allow effective teaching.
— Children are nurtured and taught essential biblical values that shapes life and mode their future
— We engage children in interactive sections, where children could express themselves through painting, drawing art, and verbal display which helps to develop them spiritually, socially and intellectually.
— Learn to pray, sing, dance and to witness through choreography.
— We teach them to be disciplined and independent.
— They are trained to recite and memorise bible passages, this is targeted at improving their attention and concentration span.
— Teach children to live a life of holiness and be good ambassador of Christ, be obedient children and be God fearing.
— To work towards building children’s confidence and self-esteem
— Help to discover and deploy spiritual gift and talents
— Play supportive role in child upbringing and assisting parents to give good spiritual value to their children
— To raise outstanding and credible future leaders
— Fill the children’s minds with the Word of God so they will grow to think the way God thinks and live the way God has commanded.
— Help children trust Christ as Saviour, and to live as Christian’s at home, at school, or wherever they are.
— To teach children about praying, so they understand communication with God is available at all times.
— To encourage children to memorize selections from the Bible and to grow up in knowledge, perspective, confidence, and character in the Word of God.
The Children’s Ministry seeks to lovingly guide and instruct children this is done through praise and worship and biblical lessons.